Answers to Common Questions

How do I check my student’s grade?

Can we join mid-semester? Yes.

  • Text me at 209.323.0385 so we can connect. I’m here to help.

Do I need to order books?

  • Only one novel if you will take a writing class. Curriculum is provided.

On what dates does my class meet?

Last day of class in Spring 2024 is May 24th. During the 24-25 schoolyear, we meet each week from Jan 13 to May 23 except the following: Nov 25-29, Dec 16-Jan 10, March 17-21, April 14-18. This calendar here can help.

What is your grading policy?

  • Gradebook- My grade book is made available to parents but final grades are at the discretion of parents and teachers. I usually grade select problems in homework, not the whole page. If you see notes about some problems, do not assume that the others are correct. Use a solution manual to verify that you are doing things correctly.

  • Late work- Late assignments are still accepted for the first 4 weeks of class. After that time, the ability to submit homework is closed.

  • I will assign extra projects at the end of the semester to bring grades up if requested by a parent. There is hope so just ask!

  • Homework is always due on Saturday or the day before class at 11:59pm.

What technology do students use in class?

  • Zoom


  • Google Classroom for homework and gradebook

  • Khan Academy

What is my role as parent?

  • Please check your student’s grades frequently. I suggest having their school email login and password avail to you at all times or having them open their gradebook on Google Classroom every two weeks to show you how things are going. I allow them to get behind so that they learn that the perceived short-term benefits of missing work is not worth it. Check-in frequently to guide students accordingly. There are huge, consistent opportunities for help and they just need to take advantage of them. If content is difficult, students are responsible to learn the content through outside means such as youtube videos which can be searched using the title of the homework.

What is the tone in your classroom?

  • I value encouragement and praise, and create a classroom of student participation and positivity. In our class, it is ok to guess and be wrong. We are all here to learn. 

  • Students are asked make their words, reaction emojis and other communications positive and encouraging. This includes avoiding profanity. This is usually not a long-term problem, but problems are met with a student meeting, then a parent meeting, and finally removal from class, forfeiting the class fee.

  • We are an inclusive classroom. Diversity is valued. Disparaging comments regarding other students or marginalized demographics of society (race, religion, socioeconomic class, learning style, gender, sexuality, etc.) will be immediately addressed. 

How do students submit homework?

  • I am only notified that students have submitted work if they click the “Turn In” button on Google Classroom. Failure to click that button may result in a zero.

  • I find it easiest to upload work using the Google Classroom app on a phone. This video shows how. Students can also use a computer camera and upload independently.

What if my student is not at the same level as other class members?

  • No one is. That’s the joy of the personalized education setting we have all chosen. Classes have mixed ages and abilities and students learn early on to work on their personalized goals even though we work together as a group. I help establish those goals periodically in the comments I send back on homework. In the end, there are many years of growth yet to come. How students feel about themselves and learning matters most.

How do you handle mistakes?

  • I value quality work, but not at the expense of anxiety or stress in the pursuit of perfection. I make mistakes too (scheduling mix-ups, assignment posting, etc.) so if that may cause you or your family stress, I may not be the best teacher for your needs. Please let me know when you see corrections that need to be made. With so many students and classes and 4 children of my own, I LOVE IT when parents or students reach out with questions. Please do!

What should I do if my math student is stuck or frustrated?

  • Express confidence that they’ll figure it out. Ask them if they’ve reached out to me yet. Ask them which problem solving strategies from class they have tried. Sometimes, it is really helpful to let students sit in the discomfort of not knowing what to do yet. That’s a great place to be, because they learn problem solving skills. 

How can I help my writer at home?

  • Find something to praise. That’s it. If you see something that you want to them to improve or correct, text me and I’ll make it one of their student goals. How nice to have someone else be the critic while you stay positive. Wish we had that all the time!

  • A few weeks in, students ask for a proofreader who looks for spelling and punctuation mistakes. Leave word choice alone. They have many years yet to come to refine their writing. It’ll come along quickly as you focus on what you can praise!

Can you meet outside of class to help my student?

  • There are three hours per week already scheduled when students can drop in and ask questions about homework or concepts at this link. I also answer emails from students during the week whenever possible. If you send an email, a follow-up text can really help. My cell is 209.323.0385. 

Do you adapt class for those with learning differences?

  • I teach the same content but adapt homework to the student’s needs. Just let me know what you think is best and we’ll create a plan. 

How do you handle plagiarism or work that appears to not be original to the student?

  • In an AI era, it can be tricky because work submitted can be original but not the student’s work. I will let students, parents and teachers know when I find blatant plagiarism and ask for parent input when work seems to be resourced elsewhere. I also try to assign writing based on personal experiences and opinions when possible instead of traditional reports.

Can students do extra credit to bring their grade up?

  • Yes, although it will take work and time. It’s worth it.

What if we need to adjust homework for family needs?

  • I value family first. I hold your students to high standards and deadlines. I also allow them to get behind so that they can learn that they really do want to stay caught up. However, I am happy to accommodate parent requests of excusing and/or adjusting assignments or due dates based on family needs and goals. Just email me and/or follow up with a text! I am here to lighten the parent load while holding students to a high standard.

Are puzzles and games an important part of class time?

  • Yes. In fact, students gain confidence and endurance via puzzles. They look forward to class. They also discover new ways to write or solve math problems because of the way another student approaches a puzzle. Puzzles are often used as analogies to teach a concept that applies to our unit.

Can I reduce the number of Google Classroom emails I receive?

  • Yes. Text me for solutions. 

Do you have a calendar with our class schedule?

  • Yes. Choose your class time on the calendar here and you can save the appointment to your calendar. If there is a discrepancy, this calendar will be the official schedule.

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help!